
ISO9001 / ISO27001 / JIS Q 15001

Thorough quality control and information management

To ensure the quality of our projects, we are particularly strengthening our quality management and information security measures. We have obtained ISO 9001 certification for quality management and ISO 27001 certification for information security (ISMS) from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Additionally, we are certified under JIS Q 15001 for personal information protection by the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS).

Various Certifications


Quality Management System
DEFiDE inc. has obtained the ISO9001:2015 certification.
DEFiDE makes use of quality management systems to continuously improve quality and client satisfaction. Furthermore, we aim for continual improvement, and define our quality policies in order to meet client needs and expectations, and ensure our staff is adheres to them.
FS 541989 / ISO9001
Applicable standard


Registration number

FS 541989

Applicable scope
  1. The ICT consulting
  2. The IT service development
  3. The UI/UX design and system design for web/mobile applications
  4. The Solution development
  5. The construction, operation and management of infrastructure environment
Applicable organizations

Tokyo office, Fukuoka office

Quality Policies

Founded under the slogan "Design for Communications & Design for Innovations," we are dedicated to using the power of digital technology to enhance communication and drive innovation. Our mission is to redefine our clients' core businesses in digital fields such as AI, UI, UX, and DX, guiding them toward sustainable growth.
To realize this mission, we embrace the tagline, "Envisioning a New Future Society and Business Creation through Digital Innovation!" We value partnerships with clients who share our vision of building a new future together.
At the core of our efforts is the commitment to delivering high-quality services and solutions. Quality is fundamental to earning client trust and is key to establishing our competitive edge. By uncompromisingly pursuing excellence, we work with clients to create new value and achieve sustainable growth.


Accordingly, we have defined 5 quality policies to achieve the above.

  1. Our staff will always keep the quality objectives in mind whenever they act.
  2. We will pursue high quality in all of our actions.
  3. In all of our activities, we will respond in a high-quality fashion in order to ensure that clients are always able to rely on us.
  4. In order to maximize value for clients, we guarantee high-quality communication.
  5. We regularly conduct formative evaluation of quality management, and continually put effort into improving quality.


Information security Management System
IS 541988 / ISO27001
Applicable standard


Registration number

IS 541988

Applicable scope
  1. The ICT consulting
  2. The IT service development
  3. The UI/UX design and system design for web/mobile applications
  4. The Solution development
  5. The construction, operation and management of infrastructure environment
Applicable organizations

Tokyo office, Fukuoka office

Initiatives relating to information security

The goal of our activities is to maximize profits of our client’s businesses. For that purpose, the most important thing in terms of shared value perspective are actions based on the client’s point of view; in other words, thinking and acting from the position of the client. In these client-centric activities, there are ample occasions on which we must access data on behalf of the client. As goes without saying, the data that we handle is a highly confidential information asset which must not be leaked externally. Naturally, every member of our staff is fully aware of the need to protect these information assets, keeps this in mind at all times, and takes complete care in handling them.
On the other hand, the environment that ICT businesses currently act in brings about that all information is connected via networking, in accordance with openness and standardization. Additionally, large quantities of information assets can easily be made portable via small storage media. Even if we ourselves are always careful, the reality is that we are exposed to unforeseeable risks. Hypothetically, even if it is only a tiny information leak, the problem wouldn’t only be in terms of client/business profits; the loss of brand image, loss of credibility and damages thereby incurred could be huge.
As such, we recognize the crucial importance of protecting information assets, and consider it to be our social mission to take drastic measures against the risks of them being leaked. Additionally, as well as being aware of important operational issues relating to business operations, we have also created the “information security fundamental policies” as defined below, and we vow to continuously adhere to them. Accordingly, we aim to contribute to the deployment of client business by providing safety and reliability to clients, and to continuously achieve stable and sustainable business operations whilst improve their value.

Information Security Fundamental Policies

DEFiDE inc. (hereafter, “this company”)’s activities aim at contributing to interpersonal communication and communication between people and society, with as main business fields: ICT business consulting, system development and communication design.


Scope of the information assets

The "information assets" which are covered by these fundamental policies are all forms of information which are obtained by this company in the course of its work, or obtained via business activities.

Information security management system creation

This company will implement, operate, promote and review security measures related to the handling of "information assets".

Development of internal regulations relating to information security

This company will conduct risk analysis of information assets, and create a procedural manual which includes practical measures relating to security. All officers, employees, temporary workers and commissioned employees of this company will adhere to them, and will strive to protect the information.

Implementation of in-house training

In order to ensure the implementation of information security measures, from as well the technical as human point of view, this company will conduct regular and continual training and instruction in relation to information security.

Adhering to these policies, and penal regulations

All officers, employees, temporary workers and commissioned employees of this company will adhere to the orders, regulations, agreements and pledges relating to information security, and take responsibility for their actions in regard to these. In case of violation of any of these, the company will enforce penalties, as stipulated in the employment contracts and pledges.

Reviews of policy and internal regulations

This company will continue to implement multifaceted evaluations of information asset risks, with technical progression and changes to work environment also being considered. Accordingly, the company will reflect these onto information security fundamental policies and various measures, thus aiming for the maintenance and improvements of the information security management system.

JIS Q 15001

Personal Information protection Management System
Applicable standard

JIS Q 15001:2023

Registration number


Applicable scope
  1. The ICT consulting
  2. The IT service development
  3. The UI/UX design and system design for web/mobile applications
  4. The Solution development
  5. The construction, operation and management of infrastructure environment
Applicable organizations

Tokyo office, Fukuoka office

About Privacy Protection

We are certified under the JIS Q 15001:2023 standard. As a company that handles personal information, we recognize its importance and are committed to managing it responsibly in all our business operations.

For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.