Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Wealth-Building Platform

01 Core Four Features of the Wealth-Building Platform and AI Chat Functionality
The wealth-building platform is built around four core features, designed to integrate seamlessly and personalize user registration information. This approach enables tailored advice and guided navigation for users. The primary features include:
1. "Life Stage Plan" – A life event planning tool.
2. "Your Money" – An asset overview display.
3. "Financial Visibility Map" – A life plan simulation feature.
4. "Simple Wealth Management" – An investment simulation tool.
Additionally, an AI chat feature is implemented in the form of an FAQ chatbot. While the initial release focuses on simple FAQ responses, the concept envisions the AI chat evolving into a more robust advisory tool in future iterations.
02 Personalization and Service Utilization Flow
To reduce user effort, the process begins with simple questions based on statistical data, gradually guiding users to personalize their experience by registering information through the platform's four main features. This step-by-step personalization enables more accurate information and advice.
A conceptual example of the usage flow includes:
1. "Simple Questions": Users answer a few basic questions to derive statistical benchmarks.
2. "Life Stage Plan": Users register life goals and events, enjoying the process of envisioning their aspirations.
3. "Your Money": Users input details of their assets, expected pensions, and other financial resources to gain an overview of their current financial standing.
4. "Financial Visibility Map": Utilizing information from "Life Stage Plan" and "Your Money," users simulate income and expenditure trends to assess the feasibility of their plans.
5. "Simple Wealth Management": If adjustments are needed, users review and optimize their assets.
6. Finally, users return to the "Financial Visibility Map" to review the updated projections, ensuring their plans align with their goals.